
Scrap Tires | Scrap Tire News | New Process

New Patented Process
For Solid Tire Recovery

Solid Tire Recovery Inc., Toronto, Canada and Huron Recovery Inc., Buffalo, NY, working in a joint venture, announced October 12 they are launching a pilot project to convert scrap industrial forklift tires into recyclable rubber and steel, using a new patented processor known as the "Stripper."

Solid Tire Recovery's new processor separates the solid rubber tire from its steel rim, with the end result of clean and consistent quality rubber and high-grade steel from the rim. Both end products are attractive to rubber crumb producers and to speciality steel mills, officials from both companies said.

"It's a simple, efficient and environmentally friendly operation," David Lash, President of Solid Tire Recovery said. "It involves no heat, no dangerous by-products, no acids and no waste. Every scrap can be recycled. Now we can stop burying these solid tires."

This pilot project was placed into operation at Huron Recovery of New York Inc.'s Buffalo plant in October. Initially, tires are being collected from dealers in the Buffalo region and as demand for rubber and steel expands, the collection of scrap tires will expand to other markets, Lash said.

Huron Recovery has been active in tire recycling for the past 5 years. "We are excited about this opportunity to expand into the solid tire market and expect this new process to provide a much-needed solution to the problem of solid tire disposal," Huron President Mike Honer said.

Maine Tire Inc., a manufacturer of forklift tires, participated in the development of the "Stripper" and is working with the joint venture project to promote "cradle-to-grave" management of solid tires.


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