Tire News
in its 24th year, Scrap Tire News is a monthly publication dedicated
to providing accurate and incisive reporting on issues affecting
recycling, reuse, management and proper disposal of scrap tires.
Features include: Rubber Recycling News; Legislative Updates; Company
Profiles; Publisher's Report; Industry Trends; Patent Briefs; Calender
of Events; New Products; News Briefs
Scrap Tire & Rubber Users Directory
Scrap Tire & Rubber Users Directory is a comprehensive directory
outling the main activities and/or services provided by companies
servicing the tire and rubber recycling industry. Published and
updated yearly, it features an exclusive Market Price Survey which
provides current statistical market data and current market prices
for material such as crumb rubber, tire-derived fuel and buffings.
U.S. tipping fees for whole tires are also provided. Other features
include a Stockpile Abatement Progress report to help tire recyclers
and others uncover new sources of scrap tire supplies. Also, Scrap Tire
Laws & Regulations - 50 State Review of relevant laws, fees, rules and
market incentives. Further, sections
on scrap tire collectors and processors, rubber reprocessors, material
suppliers, tire wire and fiber recycling, equipment, materials handling,
consultants, brokers, Canadian and International listings.
Tire Recycling Is Fun - TireCrafting
Published by Paul Farber.
Revised 6/04. A fully illustrated book containing over 50 useful
projects for scrap tires. Plus complete plans for a Tire Horse
Swing. An effective and useful "how-to"
guide to making products.