this section we will attempt to answer some of the questions about
the scrap tire and rubber recycling industry that we hear in our offices
For more information contact us or see
our publications.
we may not be able to answer every question, we will attempt to
answer those questions that are most frequently asked.
If you have a question you would like answered, please send email
[email protected]
Do I Get Into The Tire/Rubber Recycling Business?
- Write
down your personal/corporate goals
- Investigate
your specific situation
- location / processor / markets
- Find
reliable sources of information
- print media / associations
- knowledgeable individuals / suppliers
- potential customers / gov't sources / web resources
Do I Get Tires Or Tire Derived Feed Stocks?
- Approximately
270 million tires scrapped each year in the U.S. (1998)
- 1
tire per person discarded per year in the U.S.
- 65%
are being "reused"
- Up
to 40% plus stockpiles still available
- Regionally
or locally specific
- Subject
to state or local regulations
- Landfill
or other restrictions may apply
- Generators
of the scrap
(tire and rubber manufacturers, retailers, fleets, service centers)
- State
and local governments which regulate the scrap
- Collectors
who pick up and move the scrap - includes:
- licensed carriers / haulers / municipal fleets
- waste management industry
- tire jockeys
the Scrap Tire & Rubber Users Directory
is the scope of the tire recycling business in the U.S.?
- Total
U.S. demand approx. 177 million tires
- Markets:
approx. number of scrap tires used for:
- fuel:
114 million
- civil
engineering: 20 million
- exported:
15 million
- other:
13 million (includes tires cut, stamped/punched for fabricated
do I get government approval?
- Can
be very complex
- 48
states have scrap tire legislation
- The
typical state program has all or most of the following components:
- fee/tax
at sale of tire for funding of scraptire management/disposal
(30 states currently have such a fee)
- permitting
or licensing requirements for scraptire collectors, processors
and disposition (e.g. monofill sites)
- tracking
forms requiring certification by the generator, collector and
processor (or final disposition site)
- dedicated
tire program fund
- enforcement
program and personnel
business plan
processing needs
processing system
- Match
plan against regulatory requirements, industry standards, and
market conditions
- Communicate
with all agencies
- Work
with regulators: not against them
- Hire
professionals to help
- Get
assistance from suppliers
- Allow
time to complete; be specific about details
- Don't
get frustrated!
- Contact
Scrap Tire News for more information